Innovative system to control the electric distribution cabinet for outdoor lighting and its components.

Features and benefits of
Jooby Cabinet Control

  • Ergonomic design of the controller in a DIN rail enclosure with quick-release connectors
  • Flexibility of configuration: a large number of voltage
    monitoring points and interfaces, visualization of the current cabinet layout, and display of its changes
  • Multi-user cross-platform web
    application with a simple and easy-to-use modern interface
  • Advanced measurement functions: calculates more than 40 power supply parameters, keeps technical and commercial energy accounting
  • Option to integrate with the Automatic System for Commercial Accounting of Power consumption (ASCAPC): a channel for direct access from the ASCAPC to the meter, which allows you to use a multi-zone tariff in calculations
  • Modern communication solutions: GPRS, LoRaWAN®, Wi-Fi with remote antennas. Fast communication response in real operation

Composition of the Jooby Cabinet Control

The complete solution includes cabinet control devices, dispatching and monitoring software, and the ability to integrate with an energy meter for energy optimization.

  • Control device Jooby Cabinet Controller
  • Cabinet control cell containing a control device and auxiliary electrical equipment mounted in a metal box enclosure.
  • Software complex including a web application for the Jooby Cabinet Controller street lighting system manager

Compatibility with meters

The control device is compatible with the Matrix AMM energy meter, which performs metering and accounting functions.

Control device
Jooby Cabinet Controller

Universal controller designed to be used separately or as a part of different control cells. Optimized for quick installation and replacement.


  • Construction for DIN rail mounting
  • Connections:
    • 3 input phases
    • control and status monitoring of two contactors
    • 21 output lines of street lighting
    • electricity meter (RS485 interface)
    • cell and cabinet door sensors
    • fire detector
    • optional expansion bus RS485
  • Wireless data transmission interfaces:
    • GSM/GPRS
    • LoRaWAN®
    • Wi-Fi
  • Backup power supply from built-in or external battery.
  • Built-in high-precision real-time clock with autonomous power supply.

Cabinet control
cell “I-710”

The controller is in a metal box designed to control the “I-710” cabinet. The cell contains a set of additional equipment required to perform all monitoring and control functions, as well as to maintain security.


  • Metal enclosure (box)
  • Equipment set:
    • Jooby Cabinet Controller
    • backup battery
    • additional communication module for integration into the ASCAPC
    • circuit breaker
    • intermediate contactors
    • lightning protection unit
    • overvoltage protection relay
    • phase selection relay
    • door opening sensor
  • Remote antennas for radio interfaces

Convenient and modern
user interface

New generation of street lighting control software with a simple and functional user interface design.


  • Cross-platform web application available in a browser on any device: from PC to smartphone
  • Interactive mnemonic diagram of the cabinet, showing its actual configuration and status
  • Interactive maps of the executive points location with expandable functionality
  • Light and dark interface themes

Advantages of the Jooby Cabinet Controller street lighting system manager

Lighting control

  • Automatic switching on/off of lighting according to a calendar schedule
  • Remote programming of the schedule and its easy and quick adjustment
  • Manual mode with the possibility of separate control of contactors
  • Protection against operator errors in manual mode

Monitoring and alerts

  • Operational display of the real state of input and output lines, contactors, sensors, communication with the meter, etc.
  • Notification of emergencies and their elimination in real time
  • Support for reverse control system
  • Status history with mnemonic visualization
  • Event, command and alarm logs
  • Duplication of dispatcher functions and operational control by the management with multi-user access from any computer and other devices

Technical and commercial energy accounting

  • Application of metering functions of the meter (reading more than 40 parameters, polling once every 10 seconds, database creation) to detect emergencies and analyze the parameters of the lighting system
  • Generation of group reports on energy consumption for the metering devices
  • Possibility of integration into the ASCAPC using additional communication module

Reliability and autonomy

  • Autonomous operation of cabinets according to the schedule when there is no communication
  • Saving of all settings and programs in non-volatile memory in case of power loss or other emergency situations
  • Archive of events and data read (up to 2000 records). If the connection to the server is lost during the recovery of communication, the system repeatedly requests and restores the missing data from the device

Project Portfolio

For 15 years, the Jooby team has successfully completed projects for the implementation of smart radio modules and automatic remote data collecting. The team has extensive experience in the implementation of smart lighting projects aimed at increasing energy efficiency and comfort in the urban environment.


Frequently asked questions

  • What are the additional benefits of working with us?
    The Jooby Cabinet Control solution provides a number of additional benefits for street lighting control:
    • We offer an innovative lighting control solution that provides high efficiency and reliability.
    • Our product has a wide functionality, including integration with ASCAPC, allowing direct access from ASCAPC to the meter.
    • We guarantee quality technical support and supply service documentation.
  • What technologies are used in the development of lighting control cabinets?
    The following technologies are used in the development of our cabinets:
    • Wireless data transfer interfaces (GSM/GPRS, LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi)
    • AES 128 encryption to ensure a high level of protection for the software environment.
  • How exactly is the high level protection from unauthorized access to the software environment provided?
    The high level of protection is provided by the AES 128 encryption used in the product’s software environment.
  • What power metering features are included in the product?
    The Jooby Cabinet Control solution includes the following power metering features:
    • Metering of various power parameters, including active and reactive energy, current, voltage, and power factor.
    • Ability to generate group reports on power consumption with reference to radio-electronic means.
  • How long will the backup power supply last during emergency outages?
    Our product has a backup power supply from built-in and external batteries. In emergencies, the backup power can provide at least 6 hours of operation in normal mode.
  • What integration capabilities with ASCAPC does this product provide?
    Jooby Cabinet Control provides the following options for of integration with ASCAPC:
    • Additional communication module for integration into ASCAPC, which allows a direct channel of access to the meter memory.
    • Possibility to use the measuring functions of the meter to detect emergencies and analyze the parameters of the lighting system operation.
  • Describe the product delivery set
    The product delivery set includes the following components:
    • Metal case (box) for equipment installation.
    • Jooby Cabinet Controller, which is the main device for controlling the cabinet.
    • Backup power battery to ensure uninterrupted operation in emergency situations.
    • Additional communication module for integration into ASCAPC, providing communication with external systems.
    • Automatic protection device to ensure safety and reliability of equipment operation.
    • Intermediate contactors for power management.
    • Lightning protection unit for overvoltage protection.
    • Overvoltage protection relay for stable power supply.
    • Phase selection relay for efficient power management.
    • Door opening sensor for access control.
    • Remote radio interface antennas for communication.

    The delivery set can be customized according to the customer’s requirements or project specifications.

Making an application

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