Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

We use cookies and other technologies on our website to ensure that everyone who uses our website has the best possible experience. For this purpose, we may use third-party services. By continuing to visit or use our website, you are agreeing to the use of cookies and similar technologies as described in this Cookie Policy.

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the website or browse from one webpage to another.

How Do We Use Cookies?

Cookies can be used to recognize you when you visit our website and provide you with a better online experience. Cookies are used to analyse how users interact with our website to help us understand what works well and what should be improved. Additionally, cookies allow us to bring you advertising based upon your browsing history and previous visits of our website.

What Cookies Do We Use?

Cookies are set either by our website (first-party cookies) or by other websites with contents that appear on our website (third-party cookies). Third-party cookies enable additional functionality on our website such as advertising, interactive content and analytics. For instance, our website incorporates “sharing” buttons that enable users to share contents with their friends on social networks such as Facebook.

Cookie Name Expiration term Domain Platform Type Description Opt-Out/ Learn more
_hssc 60 days (provided by TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES LLC.) Functional persistent This cookie is used for authorization of visitors
pll_language 1 year (provided by TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES LLC.) Functional persistent This cookie is used for authorization of visitors
__hstc 13 months HubSpot (provided by HubSpot, Inc.) Performance persistent This cookie is used to store time of visit Opt-Out or learn more
_fbp 89 days Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to deliver a series of advertisement products Opt-Out or learn more
_gid 24 hours Google Analytics (provided by Google Inc.) Performance persistent This cookie is used to distinguish users of our website. Opt-Out « or learn more
hubspotutk 13 months HubSpot (provided by HubSpot, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to store and track a visitor’s identity Opt-Out or learn more
_ga 2 years Google Analytics (provided by Google Inc. Performance persistent This cookie is used to distinguish users of our website. Opt-Out or learn more
__hssrc session HubSpot (provided by HubSpot, Inc.) Performance session This cookie is used to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser Opt-Out or learn more
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 1 year (provided by TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES LLC.) Strictly necessary persistent GDPR Cookie Consent
gat_UA-73326918-1 10 minutes Google Analytics (provided by Google Inc.) Performance session This cookie is used to throttle the request rate Opt-Out or learn more
Cookie Name Expiration term Domain Platform Type Description Opt-Out/ Learn more
__cfduid 15 days HubSpot (provided by HubSpot, Inc.) Strictly necessary persistent This cookie is used to detect malicious visitors to website and minimizes blocking legitimate users. It is necessary for supporting security features.
fr 88 days Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to enable ad delivery or retargeting. Opt-Out or learn more
xs 1 year Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to store a unique session ID Opt-Out or learn more
spin session Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to measure, optimize and build audiences for advertising campaigns served on Facebook Opt-Out or learn more
_fbp 89 days Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to store and track visits across websites. Opt-Out or learn more
sb 21 months Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to store browser details Opt-Out or learn more
c_user 90 days Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to authenticate Identity Opt-Out or learn more
datr 21 months Facebook (provided by Facebook, Inc.) Advertising persistent This cookie is used to identify the web browser being used to connect to Facebook independent of the logged in user. Opt-Out or learn more

Our cookie table lists some of the third-party cookies on our website. Please note that the names of cookies may change over time.

We use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie is used to identify a particular visit to our site. We use these cookies to identify you during a single browsing session. A persistent cookie will remain on your devices for a set period of time specified in the cookie. We use these cookies where we need to identify you over a longer period of time. Another type of cookies is Flash cookies, which are stored with your Adobe Flash Player files and help in the viewing of content that uses the Adobe Flash player.

In particular, our website uses the following categories of cookies:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies. Strictly necessary cookies are essential for website in order to operate properly and for you to be able to use the features of the website. These cookies are used when you, for example, enter text on our website or move around different webpages.
  • Performance, Analytics and Research. Such cookies help us better understand how people use our website. For the purpose, we use, for example, Google Analytics services. To find out more about how Google uses data when you visit a website that uses Google Analytics, please visit We also use such tools as OWOX BI (please visit to help us analyze the information collected by Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. We might optimize and improve your experience of using the website by using cookies to see how you interact with the website, such as what links you click on and what webpages or part of webpages you stay on.
  • We use Hubspot to better understand your needs and to optimize our websites. Hubspot uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices (in particular device’s IP address (captured and stored only in anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), preferred language used to display our website). Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile. For further details, please see Hubspot’s privacy policy
  • Advertising: We may use tracking technologies to deliver content, including advertisement, relevant to your interests. We may also use a cookie to learn whether someone who saw an advertisement later visited and took an action on the advertiser’s site. Sometimes it is called online behavioural advertising. Specifically, we use Google AdWords to optimize the delivery of advertisement content specifically targeted to your interests based upon previous visits to our website. We use the following Google Analytics Advertising Features: Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display, Network Impression Reporting, Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data for advertising purposes, including the collection of data via advertising cookies and identifiers.
  • We also use social plugins (‘buttons’) of social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. If you are logged on to a social network, the network can assign your visit to the website to your user account in that social network. If you are a user of a social network and do not wish it to combine data retrieved from your visit to our website with your user data, you must log out from the social network concerned before activating the buttons.

How You Can Control Cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see

You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer or mobile device and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. You will find the procedure for managing and deleting cookies in the help function integrated in your browser. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a website and some services and functionalities may not work.

The following links may be helpful for managing and deleting cookies using functions integrated in your browser:

You can also opt-out of some cookies that are not necessary for the operation of our website here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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